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Oct 1, 2021
American Legends, Cryptids and Creatures by State
North America has been home to countless legends of various Cryptids and Creatures since long before the formation of the United States....

Sep 27, 2021
Galileo Project: Searching For Extraterrestrial Technological Civilizations
Are there intelligent alien civilizations capable of building technologies that can travel through the cosmos? A new international...

Sep 24, 2021
Reincarnated Children: Remembering Past Lives
Around the world children from different religions and backgrounds have described a life they have lived before. While the belief in the...

Sep 13, 2021
The “Ariel” Phenomenon: The Day Aliens Landed in Zimbabwe
It seems that nowadays, it is daily that people are claiming to have had alien encounters; every once in a while, a story breaks through...

Sep 6, 2021
CHIMERAS: Real Human-Animal Hybrids
In Greek mythology, the word “chimera” refers to a fire-breathing creature that’s part-snake, part-lion, and part-goat. In the realm of...

Aug 30, 2021
7 Foot Mantis Alien Terrifies Bicyclist
(Image: Paul Froggatt, image source- DailyStarUK) Paul Froggatt, Warwick resident and a former dog food factory worker, claims that he...

Aug 25, 2021
Añjali: Alien Base Disclosed by Retired Intelligence Officers Press Conference
Intro: On August 17th, 2021, a woman going by the name of Añjali gave a press conference at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC....

Aug 23, 2021
Police Investigate the Robert Taylor UFO Abduction
There have been many abduction stories, with people claiming an alien kidnapped them, but evidence can be hard to come by. But for...

Aug 16, 2021
UFO Abduction Leads To Love
People try to find their soulmates in all kinds of different ways. Some choose to use smartphone apps; others take on the more exciting,...

Apr 8, 2020
Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun
Today I watched the newest documentary from Dr. Steven Greer; "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun". This is once again...

Nov 4, 2019
Evidence of Moon Bases? Wikileaks Document, Insider Testimony, UFOs on the Moon and More
A few months ago I saw articles popping up saying that Wikileaks released a document talking about the Soviets destroying a US Moon...

Jan 25, 2019
CE-5: Manifesting UFO's with Dr. Steven Greer's "Sirius" documentary
From my earliest memories I have had a fascination and at times an obsession with Extraterrestrials and UFO's. All of that went into...
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